Thursday 17 April 2014

Jenny McCarthy Engaged to Donnie Wahlberg

It's a match made in '90s heaven!
It's a match made in '90s heaven!
Jenny McCarthy revealed on "The View" on Wednesday morning that she is engaged to her boyfriend of eight months, Donnie Wahlberg.
"It's a yellow sapphire," the host explained while unveiling her hidden hand from behind the desk.

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Jenny McCarthy shows off her ring while getting a manicure before 'The View' (Michael Simon)
McCarthy cried as she talked about the proposal and how her 11-year-old son, Evan, helped with the surprise.
"This weekend I was sitting with Donnie... and he went into the other room and out came Evan with a card that said 'Will,'" an emotional McCarthy revealed. "And then Evan ran away, then [he] came back with a card that said 'You,' and I knew what was happening and I just started crying. And then [he] came out with a card that said 'Marry,' but it was spelled wrong, 'Mary,' and the last time Donnie came out with Evan and Donnie's shirt said 'Me?' and he was holding the ring."
"He asked, 'Will you marry me?' and I of course said yes. And in that moment, Evan yelled, 'I have another dad! I have another dad.' And it was just — it made all of us cry," McCarthy said. "I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. He's so wonderful."
Wahlberg then ran out from backstage and surprised McCarthy, planting a kiss on his bride-to-be.
When asked by Barbara Walters if a date was set, McCarthy said, "We don't know yet."
"I told the universe, 'I am ready for love,'" McCarthy told Bethenny Frankel in November. "I did one year of dating no one. I said, 'I'm going to say no to everyone and if someone does break through, where I'm like, Hmm, then I'll follow that.' And I wound up giving him my phone number on the show. I made the first move."
"You know, I've said on every interview that I was like, 'Never will I ever get married again ever,' and, boy, you never say never,” she continued. "I think he would be an amazing husband. So if he does, I would for sure say yes. I wouldn't be surprised if I was the one proposing."
When "The Insider" caught up with Wahlberg shortly after McCarthy’s interview, he played coy on proposal plans.
"We're having an awesome time. She's really wonderful," he said. "It's interesting for both of us because since our late teens/early 20s, we've both been in the spotlight and for the first time we've both found someone who can relate to what we've gone through. [We were] both supposed to be written off after the early '90s and have fought and worked hard to maintain a career and be parents. We've been married for the same amount of years and divorced pretty much the same amount of years. We have very similar experiences and we're having a great time.”

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